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31/05/2018 – Morteza CHARKHABI

mercredi 30 mai 2018, par Guillaume VALLET

Boundaryless Career Orientation : A Buffer or Amplifier in the Face of Job Insecurity in the USA and Belgium ?

Date : 31 mai 2018
Heure : 10h30 - 12h00
Lieu : Salle 404

Résumé de la conférence

The aim of this study is to test the extent to which a Boundaryless Career Orientation (BCO) moderates the impact of job insecurity (JI) on job strains and coping reactions. Based on prior research suggesting that psychological contract breach (PCB) mediates the effects of JI on strains and coping reactions, the current 2-country study tested a moderated mediation model in which BCO moderates the JI-outcomes relationships, as well as employee responses to PCB. The first path is based on appraisal theory, suggesting that employees with high BCO may view JI in a less negative light. The second path is based on conservation of resources theory, which suggests that BCO may serve as a valuable resource in coping with the stressor of PCB. To test our model, data were obtained from two heterogeneous samples of the U.S. (Study1 ; N=1071) and Belgium (Study2 ; N=348). Results from both studies consistently revealed that PCB mediated the association between JI and outcomes, while BCO demonstrated somewhat different moderating effects between the two countries. Not all interactions were significant and some of the significant ones were in the opposite direction. In all, BCO can be considered a personal resource when the outcomes are positive.


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